Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sachin Tendulkar Biography

He was born April 24, 1973, Mumbai, India Indian professional cricket player, considered by many to be one of the greatest batsmen of all time. In 2005 he became the first cricketer to score 35 centuries in Test (international) play.
Tendulkar was given his first bat when he was 11. As a 14-year-old, he used it to score 329 out of a world-record stand of 664 in a school match. A year later he scored a century on his first-class debut for Bombay (Mumbai), and at 16 years 205 days he became India's youngest Test cricketer, making his debut against Pakistan in Karachi in November 1989. When he was 18 he scored two centuries in Australia (148 in Sydney and 114 in Perth), and in 1994 he scored 179 against the West Indies. In August 1996, at age 23, Tendulkar was made captain of his country's team.
Although India was defeated in the semifinals of the 1996 World Cup, Tendulkar emerged as the tournament's top run scorer, with 523 runs. In 1997 he was chosen for the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award, the highest award given to an Indian athlete, for his outstanding performance in the 1997–98 season. India was defeated by Australia in the 1999 World Cup, failing to advance past the round of six, and was soundly defeated by both Australia and South Africa in series later that year. In the 2003 World Cup, however, Tendulkar helped his team advance as far as the finals. Though India was again defeated by Australia, Tendulkar, who averaged 60.2, was named the man of the tournament.
Tendulkar made history in December 2005 when he scored his record-breaking 35th century in Test play against Sri Lanka. The feat was accomplished in a total of 125 Tests and allowed Tendulkar to surpass the prolific Indian run scorer Sunil Gavaskar. In June 2007 Tendulkar reached another major milestone when he became the first player to record 15,000 runs in one-day international play. Throughout his long career Tendulkar was consistently ranked among the game's best batsmen. He was often likened to Australia's Don Bradman in his single-minded dedication to scoring runs and the certainty of his strokeplay off both front and back foot.

Biography of MS Dhoni

I am giving you a short story about Mahi now today who is more familiar as a MS Dhoni. I believe that life doesn’t go same way. No one can live with happy all time or struggle life should carry a happy day for you. If you work hard then surely you will enjoy your future. Today we see a most popular and wealthier Mahi (MS Dhoni) but his life was not same in his childhood. Mahi was a boy of a poor family. He is the youngest son of Pan Singh and Devaki Dev. His family moved from Uttaranchal. Pan Singh worked in junior management positions in Mecon. Pan Singh’s salary was not enough to afford a big family.
You will be astonished to hear that star cricketer in national team MS Dhoni didn’t think he will be a cricketer. Dhoni studied at DAV Jawahar Vidya Mandir, Shyamali, Ranchi. He started his sports career in football as a goalkeeper. Being not playing cricket little boy Dhoni impressed his coach with his wicket-keeping skill and became a regular at the commando cricket club. Then we can see a different Dhoni. Day by day MS Dhoni was getting more chance and go up.
After joining India team he got more popularity as a MS Dhoni. His joining in Indian national team was not so easy. MS Dhoni was picked from Bihar U 19 cricket team where he scored 84 helped to score total 357. Before MS Dhoni’s joining in India team, Indian former captain Rahul Dravid had to keep wicket as they don’t have to lack of batsman and wicket keeping.
MS Dhoni debut in Indian national team against Bangladesh on Dec 23, 2004. And still he is playing in India team. Now, he is acting the role of captain in his own team. Under his captaincy first time India got trophy in Twenty20 world cup 2007 in South Africa. He also got assignment as a captain of India team in their home series against Australia. But he failed. However, Dhoni believes he has many things to give his team as a captain and wicket-keeper cum batsman.
It is impossible to say what will happen in future. May be he will pass his life with happiness or go throw with criticism. I am not sure what will happen as future is unknown and uncertain.If you are fan of MS Dhoni then give there vote to write some

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Computer GraphicsDDA LINE

float x,y,x1,y1,x2,y2,dx,dy,length;
int i,gd,gm;
/* Read two end points of line---------------------------------- */
printf("Enter the value of x1 :\t");
printf("Enter the value of y1 :\t");
printf("Enter the value of x2 :\t");
printf("Enter the value of y2 :\t");
/* Initialise graphics mode---------------------------------- */
if (dx >= dy)
length = dx;
length = dy;
dx = (x2-x1)/length;
dy = (y2-y1)/length;
x = x1 + 0.5;
/* Factor 0.5 is added to round the values */
y = y1 + 0.5;
/* Factor 0.5 is added to round the values */
i = 1;
/* Initialise loop counter */
while(i <= length)
x = x + dx;
y = y + dy;
i = i + 1;
/* Delay is purposely inserted to see observe the line drawing process */

Computer Graphics Clock

time_t t,t1,t2,diff;int gd,gm,i,j,k,angle,minute,hour;
float b[2][2],a[2][2],c[2][2],e[2][2],f[2][2],g[2][2],h[2][2];
char m[2],hr[2],s[2];
struct time *d,l;
int x,y;
initgraph(&gd,&gm," ");
if (kbhit()!=0)
minute = 0;

Friday, August 29, 2008

Biography of James Gosling

Biography of James Gosling

James Gosling was born on May 19, 1956 in Canada. James Gosling was born on May 19, 1956 in Canada. He recieved a Bachelor of Science degree at the University of Alberta in 1977. Afterwards, he went to Carnegie-Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and recieved a Ph.D. in computer science. From there he went on to work for Sun Microsystems in 1984.
Contributions to Computer Science
While at Sun Microsystems, Gosling has created many programs in the advance of computer technology. He created a text editor for Unix called Emacs, which is now a very popular editor. He also created a multiprocessor version of Unix, along with several different code compilers. He led the creation of Network Extensible Windowing System, or NeWS, which can distribute processing power of a computer network. His most famous work, however, is the development of Java. The original concept of Java, began in 1991, was to develop an interactive television called First Person. Later in the 1990's the Green Team (the team led by Gosling that was working on the development of First Person) decided that an interactive web language needed to be created. Thus, Java was born.
Importance of Java
Today, Java has become an important part of the Internet. It can be used in multiple different ways. It provides a useful tool for web designers to grab and keep the attention of visitors. It is an excellent way to make Internet-based games, such as the popular game Dragon Court.

Once hailed, then left behind and now finding new applications, James Gosling's Java platform is finally coming of age. Jack Schofield spoke to the man himself.
IT MAY sound hard to believe, but a decade ago, Sun's Java computer language was one of the hottest topics in technology. Netscape was going to write its new applications in Java; Java applets were going to dominate the web; universities and colleges were starting to teach it as their standard programming language; while its supporters and some of the more starry-eyed advocates and journalists even imagined it overturning Microsoft.
All this turned James Gosling - who is considered the father of Java - into something of a superstar. In recognition of his achievements, he has just been awarded the Order of Canada, his country's highest honour. "I have to go and get whacked with a sword," Gosling says.
After the years of hype there came, inevitably, the years of backlash. Netscape dumped its Java programming efforts and Java applets failed to make any impact on the web. In 2001, a Salon online magazine headline called Java slow, ugly and irrelevant, and in 2005, a Business Week article proclaimed: "Java? It's so Nineties."
Microsoft - locked out of Java after losing a lawsuit - developed its own Java-style language, C#, which became widely used, while most of the advocates moved on to trendier languages: Perl, Python, PHP, Ruby on Rails, Ajax and so on.
Now, things are, happily, coming back to a more even keel, so I was pleased to catch up with Gosling at a recent Java conference. He's a big man who speaks slowly and, at the end of a long day, he's as laid-back as you can get in an upright chair.
The major development is that Sun is making its Java platforms open source under the Free Software Foundation's general public licence (GPL) following years of complaints by IBM, so I ask him if that's going to make any difference. He points out that "Java has been functioning largely as an open source project for many years" and that "the source code has been available for a long time". All Sun has done is switch to using "one of the more commonly accepted" open licences.
"To be honest, the biggest thing we get is that a bunch of the important Linux distributions, such as Debian, can now put (Java) in the box," he says. As for IBM: "They've engaged in all kinds of stunts," Gosling says. "There was that open letter that Rod Smith wrote saying 'Oh, Sun, you should go open source', and of course that was complete puffery. It wouldn't have made any difference to them because they already had all the rights that anybody could ever want.
"And when we did actually change the licence, IBM was really upset. They wanted a licence that said they could do whatever they damn well pleased. So we went for a GPL licence that says: 'We're sharing so you have to reciprocate by sharing too'. That seems fair. They wanted us to give them everything and for them to give nothing back."
Sun previously resisted going open source because the GPL allows groups of developers to take it down different, incompatible paths. "Yeah, and a bunch of years ago, I think that was a fairly valid concern," says Gosling, "but it's become pretty clear that the market really values compatibility. If people start doing incompatible forks, market pressure is probably going to be a more effective enforcer of compatibility than a licence would be."
Several years ago, Microsoft was developing a licensed version of Java - in effect, forking it - which led Sun to sue. Sun won, but the end of Microsoft's development seemed to take the steam out of desktop Java.
"It was a big problem. We've been slowly building back. We did the licence with them as a defensive thing and, early on, actually, they were quite wonderful partners," Gosling says.
"Their engineering team was great and they were being good community members. Then there was this memo that came down from on high that said 'that's not the Microsoft model' and the relationship went sour."
So what about Java's future? "Well, it's kind of a chaotic community; there's no unifying direction because it's a lot of people taking their own applications off in lots of different directions," Gosling says.
"The stuff I'm sweating about most today is what's happening to the diversity of things on the client side, the network. The cellphone world is really growing up and cellphones are in many places becoming the desktop. But also things like cable television; set-top boxes and IPTV are getting really interesting and Java is involved in both of those.
"The Blu-ray next-generation DVD standard has Java pretty heavily involved. So there's a real sea change in the client end of the network and I'm putting a reasonable amount of sweat into making sure that doesn't come out aggressively stupid. There are so many actors, it's kind of hard to keep everybody aligned."
It's interesting, I respond, that Java has done so well on mobiles when its performance problems limited its adoption on desktops. "Well, certainly in terms of a platform for running games and things, it doesn't really have any competition," Gosling says.
"You can load a game and not worry about destroying your ability to make a phone call; that was a big deal. Also, on the phone, we didn't really have the same demands - plus the CPUs used in phones are pretty cool these days. It took us a bunch of time to build major-rocket-science optimisers, but now we're beating C and C++ pretty regularly.
"The future of Java for me really is wherever the developers take it. Probably the biggest place where Java is used in anger is enterprise computing and that's gotten to be one of its most mature and solid areas. I don't think there's going to be much dramatic change there for the next five years. The most interesting stuff is at the edge points where there are different kinds of devices connected to the network," Gosling says.
"Folks are doing strange and interesting stuff in things like the automotive market and broadband TV. It's the sort of thing where, tragically, the big business is games, or game-like things that are correlated to live TV shows with large-scale audience participation.
"The hard part is no longer technology. As a technologist, you get to the point where there's really nothing to invent to make things better. It's really more about the social experience of businesses and their customers, and it's impossible to predict what people will be willing to pay for.
"For example, I don't understand why ring tones are so successful financially, or why people will spend more money on water than they do on wine. I hope there's somebody out there who understands market psychology. It's not me."

Monday, August 18, 2008


// diction.cpp: Implementation of the Dictionary class
// from Hands-on C++
#include "diction.h"

int Dictionary::find_word(char *s)
char word[81];
for (int i = 0; i < nw =" 0;" word_idx =" find_word(word);">= 0)
while (words[word_idx].get_meaning(nw,meaning) != 0)
def[nw] = new char[strlen(meaning)+1];
def[nw] = 0;

return nw;

// diction.h: The Dictionary class
// from Hands-on C++
#include "def.h"

const int Maxwords = 100;

class Dictionary
Definition *words; // An array of definitions; line 9
int nwords;

int find_word(char *); // line 12

// The constructor is on the next line
Dictionary(int n = Maxwords) {nwords = 0; words = new Definition[n];};
~Dictionary() {delete words;}; // This is the destructor
void add_def(char *s, char **def);
int get_def(char *, char **);

// stack.cpp: Implementation of the Stack class
// from Hands-on C++
#include "stack.h"

int Stack::push(int elem)
int m = getmax();
if (top <> 0)
return 0;
return -1;

void Stack::print()
int elem;

for (int i = top-1; i >= 0; --i)
{ // Print in LIFO order
cout <<>// Graphics library declarations
#include "point.h" // Location and Point class declarations
#include // for string functions
#include // for console I/O

// link with point2.obj and graphics.lib

// The class hierarchy:
// Location->Point->Circle
// (Circle and CMessage)->MCircle

class Circle : public Point { // Derived from class Point and
// ultimately from class Location
int Radius;
Circle(int InitX, int InitY, int InitRadius);
void Show(void);

class GMessage : public Location {
// display a message on graphics screen
char *msg; // message to be displayed
int Font; // BGI font to use
int Field; // size of field for text scaling

// Initialize message
GMessage(int msgX, int msgY, int MsgFont, int FieldSize,
char *text);
void Show(void); // show message

class MCircle : Circle, GMessage { // inherits from both classes
MCircle(int mcircX, int mcircY, int mcircRadius, int Font,
char *msg);
void Show(void); // show circle with message

// Member functions for Circle class

//Circle constructor
Circle::Circle(int InitX, int InitY, int InitRadius) :
Point (InitX, InitY) // initialize inherited members
//also invokes Location constructor
Radius = InitRadius;

void Circle::Show(void)
Visible = true;
circle(X, Y, Radius); // draw the circle

// Member functions for GMessage class

//GMessage constructor
GMessage::GMessage(int msgX, int msgY, int MsgFont,
int FieldSize, char *text) :
Location(msgX, msgY)
//X and Y coordinates for centering message
Font = MsgFont; // standard fonts defined in graph.h
Field = FieldSize; // width of area in which to fit text
msg = text; // point at message

void GMessage::Show(void)
int size = Field / (8 * strlen(msg)); // 8 pixels per char.
settextjustify(CENTER_TEXT, CENTER_TEXT); // centers in circle
settextstyle(Font, HORIZ_DIR, size); // magnify if size > 1
outtextxy(X, Y, msg); // display the text

//Member functions for MCircle class

//MCircle constructor
MCircle::MCircle(int mcircX, int mcircY, int mcircRadius, int Font,
char *msg) : Circle (mcircX, mcircY, mcircRadius),

void MCircle::Show(void)

main() //draws some circles with text
int graphdriver = DETECT, graphmode;
initgraph(&graphdriver, &graphmode, "..\\bgi");
MCircle Small(250, 100, 25, SANS_SERIF_FONT, "You");
MCircle Medium(250, 150, 100, TRIPLEX_FONT, "World");
MCircle Large(250, 250, 225, GOTHIC_FONT, "Universe");
return 0;

// figures.h contains three classes.
// Class Location describes screen locations in X and Y
// coordinates.
// Class Point describes whether a point is hidden or visible.
// Class Circle describes the radius of a circle around a point.
// To use this module, put #include in your main
// source file and compile the source file FIGURES.CPP together
// with your main source file.

enum Boolean {false, true};

class Location {
int X;
int Y;
Location(int InitX, int InitY) {X = InitX; Y = InitY;}
int GetX() {return X;}
int GetY() {return Y;}

class Point : public Location {
Boolean Visible;
Point(int InitX, int InitY);
virtual void Show(); // Show and Hide are virtual
virtual void Hide();
virtual void Drag(int DragBy); // new virtual drag function
Boolean IsVisible() {return Visible;}
void MoveTo(int NewX, int NewY);

class Circle : public Point { // Derived from class Point and
// ultimately from class Location
int Radius;
Circle(int InitX, int InitY, int InitRadius);
void Show();
void Hide();
void Expand(int ExpandBy);
void Contract(int ContractBy);

// prototype of general-purpose, non-member function
// defined in FIGURES.CPP

Boolean GetDelta(int& DeltaX, int& DeltaY);

Windows Mobile 6 Announced, Released Soon

Windows Mobile 6, formerly known as Crossbow has been announced, and should start appearing on phones mid to late this year! Microsoft has been pretty quiet about this one all along, but even a year ago, people were able to get a glimpse into what Microsoft had brewing with a very pre-mature leaked version. More recently, Screenshots became available which gave us a better idea of what Microsoft was planning.
The Windows Mobile Team is ready to officially reveal Windows Mobile 6 next week at the 3GSM show in Barcelona. A lot of great features are instore with a focus on improved searching, better security (sound like Vista?), and better integration with Windows Live Services. While the majority of products that will use the operating system won’t be released until later this year, Mobile 6 is expected sometime in the 2nd quarter 2007.

Features include:
HTML Support in email
Windows Live for Windows Mobile
New versions of mobile with better formatting for Outlook, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
New Security features like remote wipe if the device is lost or stolen
Vista integration
Calendar ribbon
Call history in contact cards
NET Compact Framework and SQL Server built-in
Smartphones will use Windows Mobile 6 “Standard”, Pocket PC’s without the phone will use Windows Mobile 6 “Classic”, and Pocket PC Phones will use Windows Mobile 6 “Professional.”
With all of the improvements, and a new look and feel, it just might be worth the upgrade.

Source: The Hive

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